Holiday Hysteria, Indeed!
oliday Hysteria…Everyone suffers from this malady to some extent. Worrying about things like who to invite for the big holiday meal? Who sits where? What do I give my boss for Christmas? Should I stand in line for three days to make sure my kid...
Twister Hill Ranch: The Green Grass of August?
ast week Laura and I took a field trip with our new photographer, Kimberly Pritchert of Pasture Raised Photography. We went out to Twister Hill Ranch in Tomales to visit a good family friend, Bruce McGlochlin. When I first met Bruce, he was Mr....
Cooking Chicken
couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog post about our chicken called Don’t Be Chicken. In it, I talked abouthow our chicken is raised, what makes it special and how to butcher it. And at the end I promised a future blog on how to cook it. Sooooo, here...
Sports Nut
nyone that knows me at all knows that I'm a huge sports fan. I fell in love with the Giants the first time my grandmother took me to Candlestick and introduced me to the grand old game. I became a die-hard 49er's fan at the same moment that every...
Don’t Be Chicken!
f you have been a Meathead for more than a few months, you know that our chicken has a special place in my heart. It was the first animal we raised and harvested as a business. When we first started out, we harvested them right here on the farm. I...
Let’s Get Cooking!
Let’s Get Cooking! I have enjoyed cooking since I was very young. My mom would be happy to tell you the story of how shortly after moving to Northern California (age 4) I invited my kindergarten teacher (Mrs. Wurtz???) over for dinner and made a desert concocted of...