A Grill For All Seasons

A Grill For All Seasons

Just a little over 3 years ago I wrote a blog post called The Grill Next Door. I went back and reviewed it in preparation for this post. At the risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, it is pretty good piece on some suggestions you might consider in...

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The Ol’ Switcheroo!

The Ol’ Switcheroo!

here’s no two ways about it….moving sucks. Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard them all. “It’s a great opportunity to purge and clean” or “It’s a fresh start”. I don’t mean to complain, we are very blessed. We are being given a tremendous gift to live in the...

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Just One Guy

Just One Guy

'm just one guy in this big 'ol world. How much can I really affect things?". This is a question I have pondered a lot in the past several months. I promised a while back that this blog would not become a referendum on alcohol or a dreary series...

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Of Meat & Romance: Tips to help you cook the perfect meal

Of Meat & Romance: Tips to help you cook the perfect meal

Valentine’s Day is a weird holiday to me. I would like to say something syrupy like “every day is Valentine’s Day for us” but it wouldn’t be true and nobody would believe me anyway. Fact is, we have our ups and downs just like every other couple. After 20 plus years...

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Disneyland Delight!

Disneyland Delight!

he holidays have come and gone and now it is time to get back to the real world, whatever that is. The Parks Family had a great vacation to Disneyland. It is our definitely our “happy place”. Laura and I always try to think up new and exciting...

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Holiday Helper

Holiday Helper

his time of year is filled with good feelings...it is great to have family visiting and the kids out of school and home for the holidays. That said, the holidays present a unique set of challenges for all of us. They seem to be totally...

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