The Dog Days of Summer

The Dog Days of Summer

The Dog Days of Summer If I’m being honest (and I try to be) I hate August. We are as far from spring and fall as you can get and- if you follow this blog at all- you know those are my favorite times of the year. Business is erratic and slow as everyone tries to...

Packaging Problems

When you spend most of your day using a variety of razor sharp knives, even the most experienced butcher is going to draw their own blood once in a while. As a rank, novice butcher, I am pretty careful and have only needed the medic a couple of times. This last week I...
Laura’s Chicken Parm “Muffins”

Laura’s Chicken Parm “Muffins”

Laura’s Chicken Parm “Muffins” INGREDIENTS 3 lbs Ground Chicken ORDER NOW! 1 onion diced 2 sweet peppers diced 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 eggs 3 cloves garlic minced 1 – 2 tablespoons dried oregano 10 fresh basil leaves chopped/ torn Tsp...
What My Kids Got to Do On Summer Break

What My Kids Got to Do On Summer Break

What My Kids Got to Do On Summer Break We all remember that question on the  first day of the new school year: “What did you do this summer, Billy?” Inevitably, the cool answers were things like Disneyland, summer camp and rich grandparents’ estates....

Happy Independence Day!

I think it’s important to call July 4th Independence Day. Every country in the world has a 4th of July (save the “some countries still use the Julian Calendar, Adam” please). But not every country has an independence day. Why is that significant to...