Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em!

Sunday was quite a day. It started at 4:30am as I was getting ready to smoke 100 pounds of pork for the Community Market Earth Day Celebration. It was an exhausting day, and only moderately successful as far as slider sales went. But, it was majorly successful on...

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The Impulse Buy

I was sitting on the couch a couple weeks ago on a Saturday night. Laura and I were watching a show and having a couple drinks. A commercial came on for the upcoming James Taylor concert in Concord on June 3rd and I launched the iPad. After about 20 minutes of looking...

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Close Talkers

I don’t like crowds. Let me be more specific, I don’t like to be jammed shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of people. It’s a personal space issue for me and probably a character flaw, but I will take the stairs or wait for the next one if an elevator is full. I will...

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The First VF Staff Meeting!

We had our first ever Victorian Farmstead Staff Meeting on Monday. I know that doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it was kind of momentous for me. I have sat in hundreds of staff meetings over the years. I have been staff and led staff. They have been held in...

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Tenure: Apathy At It’s Finest!

I have spent a lot of time contemplating the concept of tenure lately. It is a concept so foreign to me and recently I have had to face it and all it’s ugliness with my son and wife. This ridiculous notion is that after you have survived a position for a set period of...

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Adam’s Recall Op-Ed

My name is Adam Parks and I own Victorian Farmstead Meat Company in Sebastopol. The recently announced Rancho Feeding Corp. beef recall has had, and will continue to have, a profound effect on my business and the business of dozens of local ranchers and meat...

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