Barter Is The New Black….and White (part 2)!

The Meat Annuity I left off last week stating I had invented the "Meat Annuity". This was the first iteration of what would become Victorian Farmstead Meat Company. You see, for years people have come out to the country to fill their freezer. It works like this: City...

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Barter Is The New Black….And White (part 1)!

I've written a few times about the "deals" I have obtained by trading with customers, vendors and suppliers over the past few years. As isolated instances, they are fun to talk about and it always feels good to have a win/win exchange. But in this day and age we all...

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Time To Start Thinking About The Holidays

Grandma Sally put out the Halloween decorations this week. That is always my tell-tale sign that fall is here and the holiday season has begun. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, although years ago I did win best costume dressed in a baby blue full body leotard. I glued...

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It Pays To Be Nosey!

As a kid, I got teased mercilessly for my prominent proboscis. I think I could probably recite all 20 nose jokes from Roxanne (Obvious: "Excuse me. Is that your nose or did a bus park on your face?" Humorous: " Laugh and the world laughs with you. Sneeze and it's good...

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Keep It Classy, Meatheads!

As I bring to order this week's meeting of the Meatheads, I have a few orders of old business before I get to this week's topic. By the way, that nickname was coined while I was watching the Emmy's and Rob Reiner's tribute to Jean Stapleton. It is a very loving...

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Holy Crap, We Have A Teenager!

Happy 13th to our son, Jackson. Many of you know him from the shop or the farmers markets, so you know what a cool kid he has become. We are all very proud of him! I spend a little time each week comparing our pricing with our competitors, including Whole Foods (on a...

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