Once school gets back in session, our flexible hours seem to dry up like an uncapped sharpie. Gone are the quick calls home to our kids to pull something out of the freezer at 3 pm or that stroll through the grocery store after work. Now we are back in full and hectic Super Parent mode, jamming two hours of errands into 45 minutes each night so that little Johnny can go to football practice and get his tuba lesson in before 7 pm. I mean, how else will he get into Stanford and have a fulfilling life as we have manifested for him, right???
Well, there are a few things you can do to help mitigate your stress level as you cringe overhearing those dreaded three words “what’s for dinner?”. And we can help!
First, have a plan. This sounds super simple and I would love to tell you that we are this organized in our house but we struggle with it just like you do, just with a much larger freezer. Try this…put a reminder in your phone for a good time on the weekend to plan out just a few meals for the coming week. Don’t plan five meals! Something will come up that changes your plan so just have 2 or 3 planned out so you can move them around.
Check your freezer before you go to the farmers market! We constantly hear from folks at the Farmers Markets that they have to check their freezer. It is so easy to buy fresh and we love it when you do. But if you take a minute to go through your freezer and pull out a few things for those pre-planned meals you will do yourself a great service. Then when you come to the butcher shop or farmers market you can grab a few fresh things to round out the week!
Have a few “emergency” items in the freezer. These are cuts that thaw and cook quickly for when life goes to hell in a handbasket and all of a sudden it’s 8:15 and you have no idea what’s for dinner. Pork Scallopini and Carne Asada both fit this category nicely. One of the best things about them is that they are super versatile. Scallopini can be turned into fajitas and Carne Asada can become Bulgogi in a matter of minutes. Both can be quick-fried and chopped over a salad or into scrambled eggs. C’mon, we all know everyone’s panic move is “Yay, kids…breakfast for dinner!”.
On that note, you will help yourself out if you know the cut of meat as well as the name. A prime example (pardon the pun) is London Broil. London Broil is a way of cooking a thick cut Top Round steak. Usually 1.5-2lbs, a London Broil likes a little time in a marinade and then to be cooked hot and fast to no more than medium-rare so it is tender. However, that London Broil that’s been in your freezer for 6 months because it looked amazing in our butcher’s case but you didn’t know what to do with it is the same cut that we make into Carne Asada, fajitas, stir fry and Round Steaks!
One final suggestion… Start a Vic Farms Meat Box subscription! This will take the pressure off of having to make choices. Remember that bit of time I suggested you carve out of your weekend for a little planning session? Having a selection of cuts in your freezer to choose from is the first step. Also, if you start with a Premium or Family Meat Box you will be introduced to amazing cuts you might not be familiar with. This will open up a greater variety of options and your family will think you have been sneaking in online cooking classes in the free hour you have between 2:15 and 3:15 in the morning!
Click the link below and use the coupon code “saveonsetup” to save $20 on the Admin Fee to get started. Also, anyone that signs up through the end of August gets a $25 bonus to spend on extra goodies!