Prayers for Paisley!


We don’t promote personal issues very often here but when it comes to kids, all bets are off.

Rob & Deb Royer are lifelong friends and their family is going through a special kind of hell right now. Their grand-daughter Paisley, 22 months old, was taken to the hospital the day before Christmas and ultimately diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. She is in for a long fight, but is blessed with a large extended family and friends that will go to the ends of the earth for her. Her dad Jacob is a single father of three daughters under the age of 5. I’ve know Deb since I was a kid at 4-H camp. She is a nurse and PE teacher and an incredible member of our community. Rob is a SF Police Officer and I worked with him on the coaching staff at Analy High School when my boys played football there. His service to his job and his local community are second to none.

We have also set up the donation button here and if you are able to use that they won’t have to pay the gofundme fees. I hope it goes without saying that 100% of the money donated will go straight to Paisley and her family. Every little bit helps! And if nothing else, sharing this story far and wide mught be just the ticket to getting them the support they are going to need. Thaks for reading!